The Fisherman and the Water Nymph
A Swedish Tale of the Origin of the City of Stockholm
In the picturesque region where Uppland and Sörmland meet, Stockholm forms the breathtaking climax. For centuries, this area, despite its fertile soil and abundant fish, was deserted due to terrifying tales of witchcraft. On silent nights, fishermen were lured by enchanting lights on the islands, a dance of
shadows, and mysterious melodies that both invited and
warned them of the supernatural.
It was on one of these nights that a young fisherman from the idyllic Lindigön by Lake Mälaren decided to rest on a rocky island. Unfamiliar with the local legends, he fell into a deep sleep, surrounded by a silver glow that banished the darkness. Upon waking, he was surprised by the presence of
majestic seals that shed their skins and transformed into
beautiful nymphs. He was mesmerized by their enchanting dance, but his presence broke the spell, causing them to flee, except for one lonely nymph.
The fisherman, overwhelmed with compassion and a sudden insight, took the nymph home, where she quickly adapted and fell in love with the loving and hospitable life with the fisherman’s family. Their love blossomed, and they planned their wedding, a joyful event that turned the entire area upside down.
On the way to the wedding, the fisherman took his betrothed to the island where they had met. There, he confronted her with her past and showed her the lost skin he had hidden all this time. Memories of her life as a nymph returned, and she
suddenly disappeared into the sea, leaving behind her sorrow and anger at the betrayal.
The fisherman, broken by the loss, shared his story with the other wedding guests, who were deeply moved. A wise old man declared that the enchanting place should be honored as a sanctuary of love and the supernatural, leading to the establishment of the magical city of Stockholm, which embraced and preserved its enchanting heritage for future generations...
But what if the fisherman had ordered a city to be built in
memory of the nymph he had betrayed?